Our bodies can do amazing things. It’s incredible when you consider how our sight works or how we can remember events from 20 years ago. But when our bodies don’t function properly, we sometimes have to endure problems that are painful, embarrassing and stressful. For those who suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Not only are these difficult conditions to live with, but they can also make you feel like you’re all alone. You may feel like you have to turn down invitations to dinner because of your limited diet options or you might not want to go on trips because of your frequent and urgent need to find a bathroom. And these problems aren’t easy to share with just anyone. You don’t want your friends to think that you don’t want to hang out with them, but you also don’t want to broadcast that you have frequent gas pains and diarrhea. Does this sound familiar?
The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation determined that up to 1.6 million people in the U.S. live with IBD and it’s estimated that 25 - 45 million people suffer from IBS in the U.S, so you’re definitely not alone. Actually, many of these people have taken to writing blogs about their experiences and what works for them, and here are some of our favorites:
So Bad Ass - Sam Cleasby is completely inspiring and holds nothing back. Her blog is “for bad asses who have bad asses” - how can you not like that?! From pictures on her website showing her ileostomy pouch (a bag that collects waste outside of your body) to candid stories about discussing her condition, this feisty Brit brings honesty and humor to a topic that she hopes will no longer be taboo. This blog is like talking to a girlfriend over coffee and sharing your secrets with someone who truly understands your struggle.
A Guy with Crohn’s - Jeffrey has been suffering from Crohn’s Disease since 1989 and does a great job of interpreting the technical terms and medical jargon associated with this condition so that anyone can understand what’s going on.
How to eat (when you can’t eat anything at all) - There are various ways to manage intestinal issues depending on your diagnosis, and diet is certainly a great option since it doesn’t have the dangerous side effects that medications can. Tory is on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) to manage her colitis. All of her scrumptious recipes are gluten-free, grain-free and sugar-free so this blog is also applicable to those with coeliac disease or who are on a paleo diet.
IBS Tales - This is a great one-stop-shop for those who are suffering from IBS. Not only does Sophie Lee tell her painful story, but she also shares hundreds of other stories that are sad, happy and funny so that you can know that you have other people who understand your journey. Sophie also had great resources on her web page that include treatment reviews, books to read, supplement options and more.
Cases are now under review, but there is a limited window to pursue help. If you think you, a friend, or a family member may qualify, get your free case review today before it’s too late.
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