Heal Your Inguinal Hernia With These Yoga Poses

We live in a fast-paced society and we want what we want and we want it now. We have lightning fast internet , millions of drive-thru restaurants and 70 miles per hour speed limits. We look for the easy ways to feel better even with our health. There are diet pills to lose weight, medications to mask pain and muscle implants where you can look fit without spending hours in the gym. However, often the best remedies and long term solutions require time and effort. If you have an inguinal hernia, you might be wondering if there is something you can do in the early stages to naturally help ease the pain and postpone the need for surgery. Have you considered trying yoga to minimize your discomfort?

Yoga can help heal hernias.

What is an Inguinal Hernia?

A hernia is when an organ or tissue pushes through a weakness or hole in a muscle wall. An inguinal hernia is when fatty tissue or intestines push through the inguinal canal which is found in the groin in both men and women. The inguinal canal is where the spermatic cord, the testes, and scrotum are located in men and where the round ligament of the uterus is found in women (which helps hold the fetus in place during pregnancy). While inguinal hernias are ten times more likely to occur in men, they can be found in both sexes and even in children.

How Yoga Can Help Inguinal Hernias

Yoga has been helpful for inguinal hernias during the early stages because it can take the pressure off of the of location where the hernia is causing pain or discomfort and it can also strengthen muscles found near the hernia.

Yoga Exercise #1:

Yoga Exercise #2:

Always contact your doctor first to determine what kind of hernia you have and what type of treatment he or she recommends. Late stage hernias will likely need surgical intervention to resolve the problem. Furthermore, consider researching reputable yoga studios near you to ensure that you are practicing these poses correctly. Inform the instructor of your inguinal hernia to avoid any exercises that could further damage your injury.

“Inguinal Hernia - Topic Overview”. WebMD. Accessed November 22, 2017. https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/inguinal-hernia-topic-overview#1
“Inguinal Hernia”. Healthline. Accessed November 25, 2017. https://www.healthline.com/health/inguinal-hernia#overview1
“Inguinal Hernia”. Health and Yoga. Accessed November 25, 2017. http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/news/therapy/therapy85.aspx
“Healing An Inguinal Hernia With Hatha Yoga”. Holistic Hernia Remediation. Accessed November 25, 2017. http://herniaremediation.org/2015/12/healing-an-inguinal-hernia-with-hatha-yoga/

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