Aspirin and Your Heart

If you get headaches, muscle aches or have arthritis, then you probably know that aspirin can be your best friend when pain hits. If you are at risk for a stroke or heart attack, your doctor may also prescribe this medication as a useful blood thinner. Here is some important information about aspirin, heart health and how to safely take this medication.

People who abuse aspirin risk serious complications.

How Does Aspirin Help Your Heart?

Most strokes and heart attacks occur when deposits like cholesterol, calcium and cell waste start to build up in your arteries. This is called plaque. Plaque can be dangerous because it can rupture and break apart resulting in blood clots. Clots are when blood platelets clump together. When these blood clots enter the heart, it can cause a heart attack. When a blood clot enters the brain, it often causes a stroke. Aspirin prevents these platelets from clumping together to help stop blood clots from doing harm in the body.

One study showed that patients who took a low dose of aspirin daily reduced their risk for having a second stroke or heart attack by 20% when compared to those who didn’t take aspirin regularly. A low dose is equivalent to a baby aspirin or 81 mg (as opposed to an adult dose which has 325 mg in one regular-strength tablet).

Who Should Start an Aspirin Regimen?

There are several circumstances in which your doctor may recommend that you be put on a daily dosage of aspirin such as:

The Risks of Taking Aspirin Regularly

While there are great benefits to taking aspirin, there are also risks that are associated with it that could cause serious complications. Here are some dangers that you should be aware of:

“Aspirin and Heart Disease”. American Heart Association. Accessed January 8, 2018.
“Daily aspirin therapy: Understand the benefits and risks”. Mayo Clinic. Accessed January 8, 2018.
“Should You Take an Aspirin a Day for Your Heart?”. Men’s Health. Accessed January 8, 2018.

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