In this fast food, fast-paced world, having digestion issues seems inevitable. We know that we should eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise and take a deep breath to reduce stress, but knowing what do do and doing it are two totally different things.
But what if your digestion problems are getting worse? Could it be more than just outside factors that are causing this discomfort? If you have been diagnosed with IBS or think you have IBS, here are five ways that you can easily manage your symptoms so that you can get back to living a normal, healthy life:
Check with Your Doctor - With so many online resources, it’s easy to self-diagnose ourselves. However, meet with your doctor to discuss your symptoms so that you can address them correctly. For example, there are a variety of conditions that cause digestive issues such as Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulitis. Each one has specific causes and treatment options. Or let’s say that you’re lactose intolerant and you don’t have IBS. It could be better to just avoid dairy than to take an over-the-counter or prescription medication that could cause more harm than good.
Keep a Diet Journal - Different people have different triggers that can exacerbate their IBS. Or maybe you’re eating more sugary or fatty foods than you realize that could be making you pause for frequent trips to the bathroom. Knowing what you’re eating, how much you’re eating and the results of certain foods can help you to reduce your bouts of constipation or diarrhea. Some common foods to avoid are chocolate, artificial sweeteners, carbonated beverages, fatty foods, and dairy.
Balance the “Brain-Gut Axis” - Recent research has found that the gut contains more nerve cells than the spinal cord and that the brain and gut exchange messages constantly. This means that if you feel stressed or overwhelmed, then your gut is going to hear about it and react. This is why it’s important to relax by taking frequent breaks or by taking up a hobby to reduce anxiety and depression.
Be Prepared - After talking to your doctor to discuss your best plan of attack, it’s helpful to keep the right medications with you at all times. When you’re at work or on vacation, the last thing you want to do is find a drug store so that you can purchase Imodium or a laxative.
Educate Yourself on Your Medications - IBS is complicated enough without having the additional problems that could be caused by the side effects of over-the-counter or prescription medications. Diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney failure, coma, stroke, heart attack and death have all been linked to certain types of IBS medications. Discuss with your doctor the benefits, risks, and warning signs associated with your potential prescription medication and determine if exercise and diet are the best options for your individual situation.
Cases are now under review, but there is a limited window to pursue help. If you think you, a friend, or a family member may qualify, get your free case review today before it’s too late.
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